What is Underground?


Individual and collective memory, layered in human DNA, stores the energy structures,
that exist in the body below the root chakra, which we have named “The Underground” for this reason.
They can manifest themselves in moments of crisis as separate, hidden identities, that take control of our life.
Most of the events in our reality is played in hidden, invisible dimension. Our DNA inheritance, called body memory, is not merely accumulated raw information, but a living, sentient entities, that can exists in several dimensions simultaneously.

The inner space of our body hides dormant resources that most people usually do not have access to.
Energetic structures that arose from accumulated personal experiences at different times,
in different bodies and in different dimensions. Usually very different from what we experience in our realm.



Our DNA stores evolutionary relics from various stages of evolution. In these layers of the body, the primeval, wild power is dormant. We know how great physical strength animal bodies have. This force exists within us, contained in internal layers. Usually these structures are so deeply suppressed and cut off that we do not have contact with them. Separated, they lead a hidden life within us. The turbulent and painful history of our planet has shaped the layers of our collective memory. As a result, most of us have deeply repressed and separated fragments of frozen suffering, anger and the need for revenge. Many of these aspects have been shaped by difficult and traumatic experiences of war and abuse, both as perpetrators and victims.
They carry a lot of suppressed anger and feelings of guilt, hunger and unfulfillment. They completely identify with their suffering and wounds.
From these hidden aspects arise the mechanisms of the inner shadow: being a victim and an oppressor, aggression, revenge and self-destruction. Even if they are dormant and inactive, they silently sabotage our lives. Becoming the source of depression and inner disorders. These dark, unconscious parts to a large extent create the world in which we live.





Mystic School of Interdimensional Sexuality Level II

29 March - 5 April 2025, Poland

Facilitation: Dechen Dorje with the Team

We live in a time of great change and awakening of consciousness on a mass scale. We recognize the scale of wounds and...

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 Great Mother House ·  7 February 2025

Collective memory, layered in human DNA, stores the energy structures that exist in the body below the root chakra, which we have named "The Underground" for this reason. They can manifest themselves in moments of crisis as separate, hidden...

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Underground work

House of Tantra · 16 February 2022

As we look inward, allowing ourselves to be in touch with the feeling of the dormant aspects and emotions of our body, we begin to discern and feel not only our individual memory, but the energy of our ancestors....

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Dark Feminine

House of Tantra · 9 August 2020

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Dark Masculine

House of Tantra ·  24 March 2020

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