
According to the tantric tradition, all existence emerges from the primordial Void. This Void is the primal, living and sentient being.
Cosmic womb of the universe from which all life is born. She is our original Mother, worshiped in ancient cultures
as the Great Goddess. The Great Mother Goddess brings darkness, the abyss that dissolves everything.
She opens a space for complete surrender and is connecting to our deepest essence, mystery of existence impossible to grasp.


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The tradition of sacred sexuality is derived from the time of matriarchy, when sexuality was treated with respect as a source of life and considered sacred force. Like tantra, sacred sexuality is associated with deep experience of self and life as a cosmic whole, manifested through the union of feminine and masculine aspect. Through connection with this primordial, Great Mother aspect, the ego identity and sense of separation gradually disappears. Then the space of unconditional wisdom and compassion opens. In this tradition, sexuality as primal cosmic source of life is practiced to manifest individual and collective needs and desires. Activated to reach the higher dimensions of existence. And above all for the purpose of healing, to liberate body memory, to heal the heart and purify the mind.


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Everything who we are, every moment, all our individual history, is recorded in the memory of our body. All this information is then transmitted to the DNA to our children. These recordings do not disappear after we leave physical body. Our consciousness moves them to every new body in which we incarnate. These past experiences stored in body memory are largely responsible for shaping our reality. Over time, unconscious energy structures were created through the accumulation of painful, traumatic experiences. Structures that have hidden separate existence, often combined with a sense of guilt, being a victim and having many deep wounds. These suffering, rejected and muffled parts of us play the main role in the sabotage of our lives. Until we release and transform these parts, we will automatically play their negative scenarios recorded and stored in the body.


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Thousands of years of cultural and religious conditions have made our sexual energy deeply suppressed. This, in turn, has caused gradual degeneration of sexual behavior and accumulated wounds and traumas in the memory of the human DNA. Because all life experiences are passed into DNA, current generations carry the baggage of many hundreds of years of violence and suffering received from their ancestors.
This memory embedded in the body in layers is activated gradually only after reaching middle age. The accumulated suffering and traumas are blocking live energy, which leads at some point to serious diseases. In today’s world there is a huge need to cleansing blocked and poisoned energy in the body. The memory of abuse and trauma transmitted by generations prevents women and men from making harmonious relationships.


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The path of sacred sexuality gives you the opportunity to free traumatic memory from the body, and heal at every level through special Temple Arts bodywork. During such a session, through the energy and physical activation and some techniques of tantric massage, the Kundalini energy is stimulated. The areas of the body which are holding the frozen memory of trauma are activated. The purpose of the session is to release the traumatic history coded in the body and unlock the flow of life energy. By releasing blockades, spreading energy to the whole body and the heart, our inner power is gradually awakened. Although technique and skills are important during the session, Temple Arts are based on intuition and a connection with mystical levels of reality.


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Emerging of new paradigm society requires free, independent and strong individualities. People are not in their power because of the complex system of beliefs, based on fear and lost memory who they are. This system is built on few basic dillusions:


1. We are living in deep dillusion about nature of so called sexual energy. Sexual energy is is sacred energy of the universe, the Source of all phenomena and forms. As universal life force it is greatest fountain of individual empowerment. It give us direct connection with absolute. When it is truly awaken, we are free, independent and conscious. Thats why during patriarchal era this force is suppressed, belittled and become tabu. Meaning of our sexual energy is reduced to just biological function.


2. Fundamental dillusion, it is how we perceive reality. We believe actually, what we perceive through our senses. That world and we, are fix reality. That everything really exists. But there is nothing like fixed reality. You can actually say, that life is sensoric illusion. Everything is constant play of energy appearing and disappearing in empty space.


3. Another root of illusion is that we as individuals believe in our separate existence. That the universe exist outside of us. And because we are convinced that we have separate existence we also think we can cease to exist and the world will be still going on. In reality everything is inside. We are the world.


4. This duality creates next believe that we as individual do not have enough power to manifest what we want and change the world. That we can not do much as individual.


5. This believe that we are small is reason that we look for safety and protection from those who have more power. Looking for stable job in corporations, paying for all kind of insurance. Being depended on system, we become the system. It is connected with creating life contracts (which are valid for many lifetimes) where we trade our life energy, our soul, for stability and safety.


6. Next illusion is believe that the world is dangerous, evil, jungle and there is no justice. Some of us experience so many traumatic situations, that we loose the contact with our essence. We don’t believe in human good nature anymore. We unconsciously creating the scenario of fearful daily life.


7. Religious system programing which introduce primordial cause of reality to some enigmatic entity, external creator. Projecting source of our existence outside of our ourselves literally takes our energy away from us. We have some benefits of believe in outer creator. If we trust that the source is out there, the god or gods that creates all this, we are not responsible for the situation anymore.